French publishers without DRM
20 avril 2015
French publishers without DRM, they are respectful of their customers readings rights by offering their books without DRM, just with watermark solutions on ePub files.
From ActuSF to Zulma, I propose an updated list in alphabetical order of 166 French publishers without DRM. They honor French digital publishing. Always favor their books in independent bookstores. A citizen act. Do not let track your readings. Read freely!
PS: Note that "French publishers without DRM" titles are excluded under this form of platforms AMAZON, APPLE, FNAC, KOBO and GOOGLE. All these platforms affix authoritatively DRM on the books despite the willingness of publishers.
ActuSF, Allary, Allia, Alma, Alto, Anacharsis, Arachnéen, LesArenes, Armada, Artège, Asphalte, L'Atalante, L'Atelier, L'Aube, BakerStreet, Balland, LeBecenlair, Bélial, LesBellesLettres, LaBibliothèque, Bleuautour, LaBoétie, FrançoisBourin, Bragelonne, BuchetChastel, Busclats, Caetla, Cambourakis, Capricci, DidierCarpentier, Castelmore, CastorAstral, LeCerf, ChampVallon, Cheminante, ChercheMidi, Chronique, JoséCorti, Critic, LaDécouverte, Desclée, Desjonquères, AuDiableVauvert, Dialogues, LaDifférence, LeDilettante, BrunoDoucey, HenryDougier, Dupuis, LesEchappés, L'Eclat, L'Ecoledesloisirs, EDPSciences, Ems, Epel, L'Epée, Epoints, Equateurs, Erès, Eyrolles, Fabert, FFRandonnée, Finitude, First(part), Fleurus, AuxForgesdeVulcain, LaFosseauxOurs, Galaade, JCGawsewitch, Ginkgo, LaGrandeOurse, Griffed'Encre, Grund(part), GulfStream, VivianeHamy, HugoetCie, L'Iconoclaste, IdéesduMonde, LesImpressionsNouvelles, Indigène, Ipanema, OdileJacob, LaJoiedelire, Jouvence, Julliard, Jungle, SharonKena, Kero, RobertLaffont(part), MichelLafon, Leduc, Libretto, Limonade, LonelyPlanet, Macro, Mame, Mangakana, Mango, Manucius, ThierryMarchaisse, Mareuil, Maxima, Métailié, Minuit, Mirobole, Mnémos, Mobilibook, MonsieurToussaintLouverture, OlivierMorattel, Mosquito, LeMotetlereste, LesMoutonsélectriques, LaMusardine, NoirsurBlanc, NouveauMonde, LesNouveauxAuteurs, Opoto, Opportun, LePassage, PassageNordOuest, LePasseur, Pearson, Perrin, LePetitFuté, LesPetitsmatins, Phébus, PhilippePicquier, PierreGuillaumedeRoux, Piranha, Plon(part), Prat, PremierParallèle, Privat, PUF, PUG, PUR, Quae, LeQuartanier, Rémanence, Reveurs, PhilippeRey, Riez, RuedesPromenades, Rustica, SciencesHumaines, Scrineo, Séguier, SerpentàPlumes, Silène, Sonatine, ThierrySouccar, Steinkis, Super8, Syllepse, Tallandier, LeTripode, Ulmer, Vendémiaire, Verdier, LaVolte, SabineWespieser, Wombat, Xyz, Yago, Zoé, Zulma
To this list should be added the french digital-only publishers. Over 80, the list is here. All offer their titles without DRM, apart from the applications vendors who are related to DRM.
Thank you to let me in others I could mention.
For information in French-speaking, 90% of Quebec publishers are also available without DRM.