L'Iliad au CeBit à Hanovre
30 mars 2007
Le version 2007 du CeBit de Hanovre vient de fermer ses portes, je viens de repérer sur MobileRead cette vidéo sur YouTube avec le commentaire du vidéaste Charbax: "E-ink technology is awesome and it is about to replace the whole printing industry.
The quality of this e-book is the same as printed text on white paper. Just imagine one sheet of paper that can load any of the worlds books digitized by Google Books, from Blogs, from online newspapers, from Wikipedia articles and other articles generated from user generated text content, as well as forum posts and more. There just needs to be some automatic selection of daily content as well as more features which this actual first generation e-ink product is missing like resume from ram and flash, pre-processing pages for faster page loading, currently there is about a second delay for pages to load and a slight delay for the WACOM magnetic touch-screen technology." 25mn en tout, c'est riche, j'ai pas pris le temps de détailler, je vous en fait profiter tout de suite, on en reparle... Accessoirement, j'ai lu aussi que Irex avait vendu environ 10.000 exemplaires l'année dernière (75 en France, soit 0,75%!), je m'explique mieux l'absence de mode d'emploi en français! Misère!